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Board Jan. 20, 2025 PRFPD Board of Directors meeting

January 2025 Chief’s Report (2024 in Review)
Current Volunteers
We currently have 12 Responding Volunteers and two active applicants. In addition, we
have 5 Specialty Volunteers.
Apparatus and Buildings
Station 1 (East end of District) houses a rescue vehicle (medical response), a structural
fire engine and a water tender. Station 2 (west end of District) houses a structural
engine and a wildland tender. Station 3 houses a type 6 wildland engine, a type 3
engine, and fuel reduction equipment.
Total Calls
We responded to a total of 251 incidents in 2024: 205 medical calls, 35 fire calls, 6
motor vehicle crashes, and 5 mutual aid (fires and other incidents in Shady Cove
Volunteer Training
Our Volunteers trained for a total of 1,820 documented hours. That is an average of
over 100 hours per Volunteer!
Volunteer Hours
In addition, our Volunteers gave just over 2,000 hours of incident response including
preparing equipment for the next call. Another 100+ hours average.
Volunteer Firefighter/ODF Wildland Training $6,200.00
2024 Wildfire Seasonal Staffing (Oregon State Fire Marshal) $35,000.00
SDAO Safety Grant (new doors at station 3) $2,500.00
FEMA/AFC (Personal Protective Equipment) $65,000.00
OSFM Community Risk Reduction $75,000.00
TOTAL $181,000.00
We continue to work together and build bridges through incident support, partner
projects, and training with our neighbors at: Pacific Power, US Forest Service, Oregon
Department of Forestry, Rogue Valley Fire Chiefs Association, US Army Corps of
Engineers, Jackson County Parks, Prospect Charter School, Lions Club, Community
Club, Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon, Mercy Flights Inc., Prospect
Hotel, Prospect Store, Rogue Interagency Training Association and others.

Continued Progress
We continue to give medical support to the Prospect Charter School Football events
and the Christmas Bazaar, held our second ever Open House, participated in and
supported the Timber Festival, held a year end Volunteer Dinner, benefited from three
officer positions: (Safety, Training, Fleet Manager), Graduated 3 Firefighters from FF1
academy AND held our own graduation ceremony, continue fuel reduction work to
create defensible space for homeowners and renters in our community, added two more
medical responders, and delivered Santa to the Prospect Store on Christmas Eve!
For the first time ever, we have structural turnouts, helmets, shrouds, gloves, boots, and
breathing apparatus for every responding firefighter. (Wildland turnouts are on the way!)
We had our first in-house instructed CPR for Medical Responders Course. In addition,
for the first time ever we own enough certified and unexpired SCBA bottles and
airpacks, and a filling station so that we can train, use, and refill the bottles…those keep
us alive on structural fires and motor vehicle fires. Thanks to our amazing Levy
Committee we held the first fundraising dinner (chili feed) in a while, (Thank you, Levy
Committee and esp. chef Stanna Walker!), Shady Cove and Prospect Chief’s spent a
day with the Prospect Third and Fourth Graders with the Fire Prevention Education
Trailer, instituted a free community smoke and carbon monoxide program, began a
community risk fuel reduction project that addresses shared community spaces, created
two full-time jobs and two part time jobs for Prospect residents, and had a Prospect Fire
Department 2025 calendar produced by our newest specialty Volunteer!
For the Good of the Order
During 2024 we responded to a structural fire that required us to enter a partially
engulfed home. A lot of stars had to align for us to save that home…a watchful
neighbor, trained and willing Volunteers, functional equipment, and support from our
neighboring Fire District. It was no accident that the stars aligned! Thank you all!!!

Prospect Rural Fire Protection District
Minutes of the Board of Directors
Regular Meeting,
January 20, 2024
Vice-President Clay Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Attending: Clay Thomas, Bob Scott, Lon Stockebrand, and Joyce Dierking
Also Attending: Fire Chief Lyle Neville, Bob Jones (financial officer) and 13
other community members
Approval of November minutes. Lon made a motion to accept, Bob
seconded. Clay voted yes, Lon voted yes, Bob Scott voted yes, Joyce voted
Bob Jones gave his financial report. Joyce made a motion to accept, Bob
seconded. Clay voted yes, Lon voted yes, Bob Scott voted yes, Joyce voted
Lyle gave his Annual Fire Department report for 2024.
Melissa Taylor gave a report on the Levy committee's work. The Fire
Department calendar fundraiser was a success. $1000.00 was raised. The
Levy committee will be mailing out an informational brochure later this
week. There will be an all-community informational meeting at the
Community Hall February 1st from 2:00-4:00 pm. Desserts will be provided.
Melissa also stated that the Board of Directors must vote at the February
board meeting to approve the levy and at what rate to meet the deadlines for
putting this measure on the May ballot.
A motion was made by Lon, seconded by Bob to advertise Karen Wickman's
board position filling. Joyce will place applications at the Post Office and
the URRAT office. We will post it on the Prospect Community page and Fire
Dept. web page. Clay voted yes, Lon voted yes, Bob Scott voted yes, Joyce
voted yes.
Joyce made a motion to adopt the changes made to policy book 1, Lon
seconded. Clay voted yes, Lon voted yes, Bob Scott voted yes, Joyce voted
Joyce made a motion to adopt the Five-ten Year Goal document, Lon
seconded. Clay voted yes, Lon voted yes, Bob Scott voted yes, Joyce voted
yes. The goals are: (1) Pass a Local Option Levy to adequately fund the
District. (2) Have enough volunteers to have scheduled on-call shifts. (3)
Have trained seasonal ff for wild-land response on staff during fire season.
(4) Increase number of trained and certified fire fighters (ff) 1 & 2 and EMT's
1 & 2 (5) Have proper up-to-date PPE for every volunteer (6) Have a full-
time funded Fire Chief. (7) Have Mercy Flights coverage for everyone in the
District that fills out an application. (8) Upgrade fire department
equipment/vehicles. (9) Build a new modern Fire Station. (10) Ensure
adequate cash reserves for matching grants for equipment, personnel, and
capital improvement and cash flow. (11) Improve fire prevention-education
and fuels reduction. (12) Improve ISO rating to lower insurance costs for
our residents. (13) Have adequate stored and piped water via a hydrant
system throughout the district within the next 10 years.
Meeting was opened for public comment.
Lon made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob. Clay voted yes,
Lon voted yes, Bob Scott voted yes, Joyce voted yes. Adjourned at 8:54.
Next Board of Directors meeting, February 17, 20245
BOD agenda items due by January 31, 2025.
Minutes and a recording of this meeting available at