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Board Meeting


Prospect Rural Fire Protection District
Minutes of the Board of Directors
Regular Meeting,
November 18, 2024
President Karen Wickman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Attending: Karen Wickman, Clay Thomas, Bob Scott, Lon Stockebrand, and
Joyce Dierking
Also Attending: Fire Chief Lyle Neville, Bob Jones (financial officer) and 7
other community members
Approval of October minutes. Lon made a motion to accept, Bob seconded,
passed 5-0.
Bob Jones gave his financial report. Joyce made a motion to accept, Clay
seconded, passed 5-0.
Lyle gave the Fire Chief report. Then he introduced Dave Hyland who
attended our meeting through Zoom. He is the Oregon State person who
evaluates and determines ISO ratings. Mr. Hyland explained how ISO
ratings were made and told us that our rating is 7.7 out of 10. (10 is the
lowest rate possible.) He gave us some suggestions of ways to improve our
rating, which would likely lower our property insurance costs. He has given
our Fire Chief a packet of information that Lyle will work through. There are
many changes which have transpired since the last ISO rating evaluation of
PRPD in 2019. These include risk reduction, defensible space, volunteer
trainings, and public education. This information will improve our score
fairly quickly. More permanent solutions such as having greater water
supplies available at all times were discussed by all present at this meeting.
Several alternative water sources were suggested. Mr, Hyland will be
working with our Fire Chief to evaluate what options would be workable for
Prospect. He tentatively set next March or April to come here and work with
our Fire Chief on this. He will try to get his manager to come as well.
Melissa Taylor gave a report on the Levy committee's work. She reported that
the Chili feed fundraiser was a great success. $1200.00 was raised and many
who attended gave input on their highest priorities for the fire district. The
highest number was maintaining and improving our current fire and medical
services, second was 24/7 shift coverage, third was Fire Chief funding, and
fourth was Are planning to put our a 2025 calendar with firefighter pictures.
At our next meeting in January the board will vote on the Five-Year Goal
Meeting was opened for public comment: issues brought up-Mercy Flight
dues by December 5th.
Bob made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lon. All in favor.
Adjourned at 8:35.
Minutes and a recording of this meeting available at

November 7, 2024 Special Prospect R. F. P. D. board work session
7:00 pm Prospect Library
Present: Karen Wickman, Lon Stockebrand, Clay Thomas, Bob Scott, Joyce
Here is a list of the changes the BOD recommended at their work session
November 7, 2024.
page change
1 remove “both career employees and” insert “all”
2 remove “in five (5) books
3 remove “3. Fire Chief Attorney; and”
5 remove “is not at the time of election or appointment”
9 remove “b. A copy of the Attorney General's Public Records and
Meetings Manual”
10 remove “j. Printed history of Fire District
k. Financial orientation
l. Such other materials as the Board may direct or the
Fire Chief deem appropriate”
12 remove “Any request for a photo opportunity using RFPD
equipment/apparatus/facilities/uniform should be
turned down”
16 remove “June” insert “July”
17 remove “clerk of the board” insert “ president”
18 remove MEETING AGENDA and insert current BOD Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Minutes if prior Board Meeting
4. Emergency additions to agenda
5. Financial Report
6. Fire Chief's Report
7. Other business
8. Public Comment
9. Adjourn meeting
Also recommended: quarterly safety report
21 insert “e. URRAT office f. fire station g. laundry mat h. Gorge
30 remove “or who” insert “must”
40 remove entire page “RESOLUTION 2002-08 ESTABLISHING
43 remove “The Board in consultation with the Fire Chief, may
consider annexation of properties outside the five mile
radius at its discretion.”

November 14, 2024 Special Prospect R. F. P. D. board work session
7:00 pm Prospect Library
Present: Karen Wickman, Bob Scott, Joyce Dierking
Absent: Clay Thomas, Lon Stockebrand
Call to order 7:00 pm.
The consensus of the three board members present was that in order to make
a Fire Chief evaluation, there must be a job description including a set of
expectations as well as a Fire Chief contract. There are still steps to complete
before this evaluation form can be completed.
Changes to policy book 2 were discussed. The version of policy book 2 that
was sent electronically by Kathleen Conners contained the changes that were
proposed by the board on pages 1-47. There are 248 pages total in policy
book 2 adopted by the board. On further examination, the unanimous
decision of the three board members present was that we discontinue work on
revising the current policy book 2 and look at other smaller fire districts to
find a policy book that more nearly correlates with the size and activities of
our fire district. Karen will reach Butte Falls Fire District, Bob will reach out
to Lake Creek Fire District, and Joyce will contact Evans Valley Fire District.
Two more work sessions are scheduled on December 5th and the 12th.